This week’s guest for Friday Five is Pia Veleno. Thanks for visiting the blog, Pia!

Tell us, what kind of books do you read for fun?

Horror. Lately, dystopian or post-apocalyptic settings. Outside of that, about once a year I read the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series. It’s like a comfortable old blanket.

What’s the one thing you can’t live without?

Can I say something corny like “my husband”? It’s true though. Without him, I’d be an incorrigible hermit. He loves to tease me that without his friends I wouldn’t have any. It’s not completely true, but my best girl was his friend first… before her transition.

If a genie granted you three wishes, what would they be?

More wishes! Actually, I’ve geeked out enough to know wishes can be more dangerous than beneficial. Most gamers are inherently wary of wishes. They never turn out as you expect. I’m sure there’s a story to write in there somewhere, but even that makes me wary.

What is best writing advice you can give?

Don’t get discouraged. Just keep writing.

I read somewhere that a writer needs to write three novels before they’re ready to publish. I did that. I still have those three novels. It was a het vampire urban fantasy series. I read the first book again not too long ago. They were awful. I still keep them though. Maybe I’ll rewrite it someday. Or maybe I’ll keep it only to remind me to keep challenging myself, to keep improving.

Can you share a little about your current release with us?
Fallen was my first published story back in 2010. When that publisher imploded and I got my rights back, I knew I had to find a new home for this above the other stories I had there.

I wrote the first draft in ten days. I felt like I was channeling Mal. It was simply meant to be, and I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to. As I worked through production to get Fallen ready for the rerelease with Loose Id, I felt that same pull for Bran as I did back then for Mal. Then, it was easy to get caught up in the excitement of that first release, and Bran’s story was forgotten. Not this time. This time, I’ve learned, and I’m ready to let Bran speak his mind too.

While I’m working on that, dear Readers, check out Fallen released by Loose Id, with lovely cover art by Fiona Jayde.

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